Acting in Norway
Acting is a lot of fun! Work when there are lines to remember. I find it interesting viewing my own expressions and how my physical appearance changes over time. here are various things I have done.
Sleeping Buddy Clarion Hotel The Hub
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I like to follow along and see what kinds of acting and extra jobs that come up in various Facebook groups for acting in Oslo and the area around. I came across an urgent job. The person needed two actors for the day after. The Sleeping Buddy. (An April fools joke.) Urgent!!!!Scream Media needs 2…
The movie Løype
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The movie Løype. A lot about ski going. Tuesday 12 March I met up by Oslo central station at 9am. Along with other extras we were to take a extras bus to Lillehammer and the Birkebeiner stadion. It was the first time I had visited the Birkebeiner stadion. It was fun going to a location…
Post Mortem – 3 minute no dialog movie
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Students at the Fagskolen Kristiania. A technical high school located in downtown Oslo. Needed an actor for their short mini movie which contained no dialog but showed emotions. The movie was to contain sounds and music. Hi. Vi are a group of students whom are looking for a man whom is 20-40 years of age…
Movie Pilot – Da vi dro til Oslo
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I took part in a one day recording for the movie prosject “Da vi dro til Oslo” – (When we left for Oslo.) A movie based on a story from the 1940s – 1950s. Saturday the 24th of February. Met at the Tram museum at Majorstuen in Oslo. Filming in one of the older trams…
Chapter 3: part 7 Heart over Mind Alan Walker music video
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Alan Walker, Daya – Heart over Mind, music video. Behind the scenes. The video is about walkers going to work being depressed as they are heavily guarded by drones and guards. Each day is the same as the day before. One walker begins to rebel and gets others to join him. He also runs away…
Chapter 3: part 7 Lakseøya
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Wednesday 4th of October I had seen that Rubicon produced the mini series for Netflix “Lakseøya”. Directors were the same that made Beforeigners. I called Rubicon and had a nice conversation with the receptionist. I mentioned how I could get into contact with the person whom was responsible for the background artists. The receptionist told…
Chapter 3: part 6. Police protection
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I found a job about being an extra in the mini series named Harald and Sonja (The Norwegian King and Queen’s story). I applied and they asked me to come in on the 15th of September for a makeup/hair cut and costume fitting at Helsfyr in Oslo. I got back from the US on the…
The Pastor
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I came across a mention in a Facebook Norwegian acting group that the Danvik Folkehøyskole School project needed a pastor. I decided to send them the following picture as well as a link to my portfolio page which showed various things I have taken part in. I end up getting the part in the short…
Chapter 3: part 5. The vampire
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I came across a mention of needing participants to take part in the halloween event to be held at Slottsfjellet in the city of Tønsberg 1.5 hour from Oslo. My brother lives in Horten which is 20 minutes away so I could also visit him and then attend the halloween event. I mentioned to the…
Chapter 3: part 4. The movie Quisling
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Fitting was on the 8th of September. The day after the In the Name of Love pool scene. Where I had long hair and a month old beard. As you see in this picture. There were 3 days of recording for the Quisling film a second world war movie to where I was to have…
Chapter 3: part 3. In the Name of Love TV series
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I worked as an extra on the TV series “In the Name of Love” (I kjærligheten navn). Made by Viaplay.I believe it will premiere Christmas 2023 or beginning of 2024 on a Norwegian TV near you. Here is a link to a Norwegian article about the mini series.I kjærlighetens navn: Ny serie om norsk porno-familie…
Chapter 3: Part 2. The Vy commercial working as a body double
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Here is the finished result of the Vy commercial which was shown on TV at the end of September 2022. I was the body double for the main lead Jonny. Here is a screenshot from the only blurred moment where it is possible two see that there are two, the Main Lead and Photo Double.…
Chapter 3: Part 1. Starting up again
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10th of August 2022. For many years my focus has been on creating WordPress web sites (I still am). A quick run through.Since I came back to Norway in 2004 I have worked many kinds of jobs.I have worked in a kinder garden, elementary, middle school and high school. In a nursing home and then…
Chapter 2: Part 9. The vampire
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10th of June 2010. For a few years a friend of us had mentioned that he would use me in something. Meaning as he worked on projects within NRK (Norwegian TV) he wanted to use me for a project that he meant I would be good in. The day came. I asked if I wanted…
Chapter 2: Part 8. Day time soap
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Wednesday the 13th of September 2006. On set of Hotel Cæsar Hotel Cæsar is a day time Norwegian Soap Opera similar to many US daytime soaps. I remember calling Hotel Cæsar to find out if they needed background actors. They told me that I could send them pictures, and I said I already had a…
Chapter 2: Part 7. The hand in the bucket
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March 2005 I created a new video presentation of myself with Canibal Casting as well as with Folk & Film. So that March through June I suddenly found myself being a part of 5 different commercials. Tine – Yogurt, TeleNor, Bok Klubben, Rimi and Narvesen. In the assignment for Rimi which is a grocery chain…
Chapter 2: Part 6. Looking back.
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November 2004. Looking back. I applied for a few different jobs back in August. And at the time it seemed like something would happen. The sales job and the phone interview job I let go, but I began working for the home care social service in one part of Oslo. There I was introduced to…
Chapter 2: Part 5. Music video Gåte.
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Sunday the 26th of September 2004 I did not write much about this experience. But this is what I recall. I received an acting/extra job as a knight in a music video by the Norwegian band Gåte. I remember going to the production company Fante Film. Just a few days after being given the job.…
Chapter 2: Part 4. Another visit to Nils.
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Wednesday 15th of September 2004 Visting Nils in Kristiansand. We were driving home along the curvy small highway between the many fall colored trees threatening to overgrow both sides of the road. With the headlights brightening up the night just in front I held the wheel with a determination keeping the two-door metallic silver vehicle…
Chapter 2: Part 3. My new home.
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Later in the day on Monday the 15th of August 2004 Even before I moved out from “cat-girl” I searched over the internet at for 1-2 rooms apartments in the Oslo area, and printed out 2 I found interesting. Later that day I called one at Ekeberg about 15 minutes buss trip from downtown…
Chapter 2: Part 2. Endings and new beginnings
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Beginning of July 2004 As I returned to Norway 29th of June from the US, I once again began to think about figuring out my life. I had landed harder this time with a greater intensity. As my parents home, and my own home for 9 years in Minneapolis was sold. They had relocated to…
Chapter 2: Part 1. The visit
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End of April 2004. A call came that I had been waiting for since before I moved to Norway January 1st / 2nd 2004. It was my dad who told me that they had finally sold our home back in Chanhasesn, Minneapolis. It was a relief to hear that they had finally sold the house…
I came back to Norway again at the beginning of 2004 and right away began connecting with the modeling and acting industry. Where I quickly received a few modeling assignments.
What follows is my experience working within the entertainment industry in Norway. It is also mixed with with my life experiences and perspectives along the way.