Students at the Fagskolen Kristiania. A technical high school located in downtown Oslo. Needed an actor for their short mini movie which contained no dialog but showed emotions. The movie was to contain sounds and music.
Hi. Vi are a group of students whom are looking for a man whom is 20-40 years of age and whom is taller than 178cm to act in our movie.
The movie is without dialog, so we are looking for someone whom is good at expressing emotions through the face and body language.
We are recording in week 10 from 10.00 til 16.00 in the Oslo area.
The work is not paid, but you get lunch.
Hei, vi er en gruppe studenter som leter etter en mann i alderen 20-40 år som er høyere enn 178cm til å spille i filmen vår.
Filmen er uten dialog, så vi leter etter noen som er flinke til å utrykke følelser igjennom ansikt og kroppsspråk.
Vi spiller inn uke 10 fra 10.00 til 16.00 i Oslo-området
Arbeidet er ikke honorert, men lunsj er sponset.
They posted on one of the Facebook acting/extra pages.
I direct message the author of the post on Facebook and began a conversation. He sent me an email with a few pictures showing the look they were after. I put on similar cloths and sent it to him so they could look through it. They had also received a link to my web site so they could se other looks.

5th of March. Day 1 of filming.
I met the crew at 10.00 on Bygdøy by the beach.
First scene.
I was to sit on the bench with a plastic gun in a papir bag. Take out the gun. Look at it and put it back into the papir bag.

Second scene.
Walk up to the dock. They filmed me as I walked.
Third scene.
They filmed me from the front and later on from the back as I stood on the dock. I brought the plastic gun out of the papir bag and it somewhat looked like I would throw the gun but instead quickly did something else.

6th of March. Day 2 of filming.
I was to meet the crew once again at Bygdøy at 20.00 (8pm).
They lit up a fire in a pit and I changed to the bloody clothes I was to wear.
Barefooted I just waited by the fire until they were ready.
First scene.
Look into the fire with emotions of regret.

Second scene
Third scene.
Throw the clothes into the fire.

I had a great experience working with them.