Here is the finished result of the Vy commercial which was shown on TV at the end of September 2022.
I was the body double for the main lead Jonny. Here is a screenshot from the only blurred moment where it is possible two see that there are two, the Main Lead and Photo Double.

Going through the process
Going through the process of how I became a Body double in the Vy (Norwegian train company) commercial.
Monday the 22nd of August 2022
14:17. Hedda from Stella Casting sent me an SMS. I have translated the text from Norwegian to English.
Hi Paal Joachim!
We are now working with a commercial for Vy where we are looking for a “body double” to the English actor whom plays the main lead.Vi thought you might look a bit like the main lead and wondered if you could send us a self tape? Recording is on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week and the payment is 6000Kr per day.
Does this sound like something you might be interested in? If you are interested I will send you easy instructions for making a self tape that can be recorded alone, anywhere and I need it by 17.00 today..:)
14:31. I replied saying that I was interested.
Hedda right away sent me another message.
What we wish to see in the self tape is:
Presentation: Make a recording from the chest and up (it can be a selfie recording). Say your name, age, height, if you have a car license, if you have been in any commercial in the last year (it is good if you have not), if you are comfortable with cutting your hair. Turn so that we see your head from the side and behind in relation to the camera.
1. Record yourself in full figure (get someone else to record you or setup the camera in the same height as yourself) and record that you are walking toward the camera.
2. Record yourself in full figure that you are walking away from the camera.
3. Record that you are sitting so it seems that you are looking out a window.You can send them here through SMS or email. Upload the files to
Do this as quickly as possible. The film quality is not so important, but the most important is that we get an impression of what you look like and your walk..:)
14:57. I made the 4 videos asked for and sent Hedda a message.
Actually the presentation video was made for a Polly Peanut commercial 10 days before (did not get that part), so I reused the presentation video to save time and added the needed information at the beginning. Such as name, age, height etc.
Here is a video where I merged the walking away, sitting by the window and walking toward the camera presentations.
15:20. Hedda’s response:
Hi! Thank you! These look great! We are sending these to the production company right now and will let you know as soon as they get back to us 🙂
You are currently the favorite! For now do not shave 🙂
The other actor has a beard 🙂
Hello again! Do you have the opportunity to send us a few pictures of your face and the back of the head if it can be done?
Hei! We are leaving the office now so if you can please send me the pictures.
With some help I began taking pictures and was about to send them when Hedda called and told me that I had received the body double job.
The timing worked out well for me, as I was at home and could right away begin creating the selfie tapes.
Tuesday the 23rd of August 2022
I was working in the office with a friend of mine when I received a call from the production company around 11-12. She asked if I had the opportunity to come in later in the day for makeup and a hair cut. I told her that I was in the office right now but could do so at the end of the day. We agreed on that I would be downtown at Majorstuen at 15.00 at the hair saloon Wosh Studio.
Wosh Studio
I used the bus and my El Scooter and showed up a few minutes before 15 at Wosh Studio.
I was to be cut and my beard colored.

Notice how painted I look. The color needs to stay a while before they wash it to get a natural look.

Day one
Wednesday the 24th of August.
Meeting time was 7 in the morning. We were to meet at platform 19 at Oslo S. The main train station located in downtown Oslo.
Makeup and custome was located in a small black tent. There I changed into the cloths I was to use the most of the day. Jonny, the main lead showed up right after myself. He changed as well. As we exited the tent we meet Jakob, the director just outside. Here is a picture taken of us.

Day one – Callsheet

Day 1 – Scenes.
6 Main. Platform 32
Ext – Day: Our man enters the buss – Dolly + Zoom.
8 Main. Train
Ext – Day: Our man enters the train – Dolly.
There were various scenes that day such as Jonny entering the buss, a recording of him entering the train. I was in a scene where I looked out toward Jonny exiting a buss.
Crew setup a huge video camera next to me pointing it out of the window toward the buss.

Day 2
Thursday 25th of August 2022.
My meeting time was at 13.00 at the Vestby train station just East of Oslo.
Day 2 – Callsheet

As the crew was setting up on the one side of the train station where I was standing and watching. The other parts of the crew did a recording on the opposite platform.
On the side I was standing they made this tower to look like I was sitting in the train looking out at what was happening on the other side. The video kamera was to be placed just beside me. Someone would push the tower placed on the rails and they would record my profile and at the same time also record what was happening on the other side.

Day 3
Friday 26th of August 2022.
My meeting time was at 8:00 at a farm just outside of Oslo. By Ila.

They called me in early as they were not certain if Jonny could drive the old Porsche with a manual shift. He could so I stood around for most of the day watching the various scenes being recorded.

Downtown Oslo
Later in the day everything was moved to downtown Oslo. Outside the Oslo City mall and close by the main train station.
Link to Icedrive folder containing various pictures and video clips from the Vy commercial.