I like to follow along and see what kinds of acting and extra jobs that come up in various Facebook groups for acting in Oslo and the area around. I came across an urgent job. The person needed two actors for the day after.
The Sleeping Buddy. (An April fools joke.)
Scream Media needs 2 male actors to a recording tomorrow Wednesday 20th of March at 09:00 – 14:00 (2 pm) inside in downtown Oslo. Age 40-50. Height around 180cm. No lines.
Scream Media trenger 2 mannlige skuespillere til opptak i morgen onsdag 20.mars kl. 09:00 – 14:00 innendørs i Olso sentrum. Alder 40-50 år. Ca 180cm høyde. Ingen replikker.
Facebook: Statister og roller til diverse oppdrag – innlegg
I sent a direct message and an email to the contact person and received a response later that night. I did not see the response as it had gone into the spam folder. I did though in the morning at 7.30 check the spam folder and noticed the email and called the contact person expecting the job was given to someone else. But it was still available so I got it.
I found my business suit I use once a year for Christmas and came to the Hub at 9am.
First scene.
The reception area where the other actor was filmed when checking in.
Second scene.
We sat in the bar laughed and drank beers.
Third scene.
Walking out of the hotell and giving each other a hug and going in opposite directions.
The Presidential suite – 1600.
Presidential suite 1600 – Clarion Hotel The Hub
We took a separate elevator up to the top floor and entered suite 1600 the Presidential suite. This room costs 35000kr ($3500) a night. It has original art. Two showers beside each other. It feels like being up in the clouds. I noticed seagulls flying below as I looked out the window. I believe that this is the most expensive suite at this hotell. I had a view of the Oslo fjord, the Opera and various buildings in downtown Oslo.

Fourth scene.
I was outside the room door and turned my head and noticed the other guest beside me. We both at the same time took our hotel room car key to unlock the door.

Fifth scene.
The door was open and we both looked inside and to the left and right and then at each other.
Sixth scene.
We were tickling each other and then we spooned (with clothes on).
Seventh scene.
We sat in bed with bathrobes and ate breakfast.
That was it. We were done.