The movie Løype. A lot about ski going.
Tuesday 12 March

I met up by Oslo central station at 9am. Along with other extras we were to take a extras bus to Lillehammer and the Birkebeiner stadion. It was the first time I had visited the Birkebeiner stadion. It was fun going to a location outside of Oslo.
We were to be audience. Watching various skigoers going toward the finish line.
The film crew also tok small groups of the audience to a green screen where we were filmed from different angles. The plan is to duplicate the audience so it looks like there are many more than what there actually was present.
We were done later that night and took the bus back again to Oslo. I had a fun time giving out sandwiches that were leftovers to various people (extras like myself) on the bus.
Friday 15 March
I also took part in filming on this day. The day started at 5am meet time at Oslo central station. We took the bus to Rena to where Birkebeiner run was to be held.
I borrowed someones skies and the film crew filmed us in front of the real Birkebeiners. So they would not be recognized but the extras in front would be most visible or so I believe.
It was a short day.