Wednesday 4th of October
I had seen that Rubicon produced the mini series for Netflix “Lakseøya”. Directors were the same that made Beforeigners. I called Rubicon and had a nice conversation with the receptionist. I mentioned how I could get into contact with the person whom was responsible for the background artists. The receptionist told me to send them an email and she would forward it to Irena.
I sent the email and it was forwarded within an hour I heard back from Irena where she asked if I would be able to come in tomorrow Thursday and Friday. I said yes and she was relieved.
I received the instructions to bring a suit and a few other clothes.
Thursday 5th of October
I arrived just before 10.30 am at Hellerud Sletta X Meeting Point conference hotell. Found out where they were and hung around and waited.
Through the day there were various scenes. It was for a conference where I was one of the businessmen.
At the end of the day I was placed in front of a girl very preoccupied with reading on her tablet. I began talking with her in my excited I am on on set voice and gradually she put the tablet away. She is from Ukraine and had to leave her country because of the war while her husband is in the military. She has been 1.5 year in Norway and speaks a fair bit of Norwegian and even better English.
It was a very long day from 10.30 – 21.00.
Friday 6th of October
Today we began at 09.30 and was finished at 19.30.
Somewhat similar to the day before only this time instead of wearing a suit I wore regular clothes. As it was to be during the conference day. The day before was focused on the evening activities.
A lot of the day I taught Anna from Ukraine more Norwegian. There were also a bunch of other good conversations.
Here is a picture of Juliano, Anna and myself.

One scene I took part in I smiled to a baby laying in a stroller. I was told that in the next recording to just look straight forward, as the smile took too much attention.
It was a fun day.