I found a job about being an extra in the mini series named Harald and Sonja (The Norwegian King and Queen’s story). I applied and they asked me to come in on the 15th of September for a makeup/hair cut and costume fitting at Helsfyr in Oslo. I got back from the US on the 14th so that fit in perfectly.
The custome fitting.
15th September – Friday.
I had an appointment at 15.00 (3pm) on Friday the 15th of September. I took the tbane to Helsfyr and checked in and sat and waited for a while. They had told me that I was to be a police officer on Monday the 18th of September in Asker church.
I am not allowed to share any images right now. They cut my hair very short. The shortest I have had it in many years to fit in with a 1960’s time period hair cut.
We got the police uniform in order and I was done with the fitting.
The first day of shooting
18th September – Monday.
We meet at Helsfyr. The custome wharehouse area to get into custome and 3 hours later we were driven to Asker and a old church there. I was to stand guard along the red carpet as various royals where to enter the church for a wedding. The weather held up nicely even if there was some drizzle in between the takes. As we finished the started to really rain. The timing through the day had been really good.
It was fun day doing various shoots outside of the church.
The second day of shooting
21st September – Thursday.
On the 19th I received a call asking if I had the opportunity to come back again on Thursday. I did. We received the schedule the day before. Again were were to meet at Helsfyr at the custome fitting wharehouse. This time at 7am. I came there and asked for my uniform and they had to get me another as they had used my uniform for someone else. I changed into the outfit and hung around and waited. This time we were to be driven by buss to downtown Oslo and the Oslo Domkirke/cathedral.
As we arrived downtown we almost immediately went outside to be placed into positions. There were this time 4 police officers handling the audience. An older car was to be driven to the front of the church where Sonja in her wedding outfit and King Olav exited the car to enter the church. The scene was repeated in various ways. The weather held up all the way to the final scene where it began to blow and a little rain came down. We also received lunch at the end of the day before heading back again to the buss to be driven back to Helsfyr.
It was a fun day.
I have no idea if they will call me back again.