Wednesday 23 April 2003 .. continued.
Signing the Contract
At 11am I had an appointment with Susanna at ISM (modeling agency) and showed up 10 minutes early. I spoke with a few others that work there and the conversation happen to go into acting training when one of the guys mentioned that they are going to have class with a Casting Director. A Casting Director is having three sessions with models/actors who work with ISM. So I signed up on the spot.
Next I spoke with Greg about some questions I had about the contract, and our conversation went over to how I look at life. So I shared some of my views with him. I signed the contract and the owner who came in which I could never have guessed was the owner signed. She seems too relaxed to be the boss.
I met two other ISM employees and they told me that they really liked my photos, and the one guy asked if I had before and after photos, as he wanted to see pictures of how I looked like before the pictures that were taken by the photographer Carlos. I told him that Susanna had some pictures, but perhaps I will be able to bring in some pictures of before I turned into a model…:) I’ll put that in the back of my mind for the next time I am back in Minneapolis, or perhaps I can get mom to send over some pictures. I took out my business headshot card and they both were eager to see it, so I took out another and also gave one to the Russian model look alike girl who works there.
It was a very interesting day. And I enjoyed meeting various people at ISM. I feel very comfortable about working with them, and I know they will help me take care of contracts for TV/Film/Commercials/Fashion/Print.
This will make working so much easier as I know I have someone to ask when questions come up. I had also told Greg that I had followed my intuition when I first contacted ISM, his reply was that he had heard that others had done the same.
I am still following my intuition. I felt full of happy energy during my visit to ISM today, and I know that I am on the right path.
Life is interesting!
Below is the front and back of my ZED card, as well as my headshot. Zed was the name of an Australian who first began (if I remember correctly what Danielle told me) to make cards like this for modeling. While I was there she even took one of my cards and along with other cards placed them into an envelope to be sent to a company looking for a certain look.

It has begun…..
Next up is making some minor adjustments to my resume, and showing it to ISM to get the ok that looks good before I print out a bunch and staple them on the back of the headshots that I will then bring to ISM so they can begin sending them to which ever companies they get Breakdowns (jobs descriptions) acting jobs from. TV and movies.
I went to Kinkos a minute drive or so from the Travel Lodge I probably now can call my second home, and scanned in both sides of the ZED card as well as the headshot. As I stood by the cutting machine to cut some business cards that I had just printed out back down to their original size, I came into conversation with a woman in her 60’s who was cutting her printed acting resumes so that would be 8×10 in size. She saw my headshot and said “you’ll get work with that headshot”, and I said “thank you”, but was thinking yeah, I’m afraid of that.
I am some what afraid of change, but change is what I am here for.