My New Home!
Monday the 26th of May 2003.
This is the day I move into my first apartment! I will be living in Santa Monica in a real nice airy room with a breeze from the Pacific Ocean. Sharing with Len, Christine and her boyfriend Tristen. I have finally settled into a room in an apartment where I will be renting for a while. It feels so very good to be out of the restless environment of living in a hotel. I can make my own food here and have room mates around me.

My new address is:
Paal Joachim Romdahl
1417 Pearl Street #5
Santa Monica
CA 90405
Tuesday the 27th of May 2003
Acting class
I attended my usual acting class on Tuesday evening, and it became a session where we performed various scripts from the last two-three weeks. I again performed a scene from Bourne Identity, and also performed a new scene from a movie called Almost Famous, which I am to memorize for next Tuesday.
After class which is slowly beginning to become a habit we, the acting instructor, Jules, her son Andee and I drove over to Denny’s to have a night snack. All evening in class I felt “different” meaning more in tune with something deeper in me, and my last performance of the scene from Bourne Identity was done in a way that it totally surprised me at how much I was focused on the character I was performing. As Jules has told me a few times, which she did again tonight, “you keep up with anyone in this room.” Which meant that after three months of training in this class there was basically no difference in depth of performance between me and any of the others who have done acting for years. She has also told me, “you have no bad habits, [since you have had no earlier training]” “If you quit acting you will not only cheat yourself but also everyone else.” I know I can not quit because this is what I must do in life. I am on the path God wants me to lead, and the more I feel comfortable on this path the more I also want this life. But in the mean time I am slowly trying to figure out when I sabotage my own efforts of moving along this path.
As we are at Denny’s, Andee was zoned out most of the time, as if he was watching a tv inside of himself. Jules and Andee are also very spiritual and have a similar way of looking at life as I have. An internal knowing of God, a relationship inside and in the outside world.
I know something was going on this evening. A strong current of energy was coming in to make changes. As we left Denny’s one of the guys who works there made a comment that “this is a weird evening.” With that he meant that the customers that came that evening were very different than other days. It looked that for me that everyone had a connection with the new that was coming in strange waves, making myself finer tuned, and Andee zoned out.