Chapter 1: Part 6. Perspectives – The date – Casting

Recording date:


Beginning of March 2004

I began March by moving back into my brother and his wife’s apartment after having spent 8 days at a friends home on Nesodden. My brother and his wife and little child had just left for a month of vacation in Spain and the apartment was empty once again. I was back again in the apartment feeling a bit lonely again in my own company, but the first few days were spent at the Filmport festival. Having the chance to stand on two different occasions in front of an audience that were to watch 21 Grams (btw the title plays on how much the soul weighs when it leaves the body in the moment of death) felt great.

Robinson a Survivor type TV show

Tuesday 9th of March 2004

I felt so alive and could not sleep. Suddenly inspiration came over me and I got up and walked into the living room to send in an application form to Robinson. A Norwegian type of Survivor tv show. The Robinson show is about competition on a deserted island in Malaysia. The following evening after the application period had closed since it closed on the 10th they called me but I was not able to answer, so I called them back the following day. I went in to an interview on Monday. First I filled out 5-6 pages of information about myself, and then followed almost 30 minute interview were at the end they asked me to sing a song or part of a song. I sang what I remembered of “She drives me Crazy” by Fine Young Cannibals. One of the two girls who were interviewing were very fascinated by what I had said about seeing angels etc and other intuitive senses, and wanted to know more so we talked for a brief moment afterward. They have probably between 150-250 interviews. At least they have more than 110 since that was the number I held up to my chest for the polaroid picture for my file.

Wednesday 10th of March 2004

I called Berit on her home phone, but she was busy talking on her cell phone with another friend, whom works in the film industry here in Norway. Berit had told me a while ago that she would hook us up, and now she gave me her friends cell phone number, which I later in the day called.

Thursday 11th of March 2004

We agreed to meet Thursday evening at a cafe close to my brothers apartment, and we connected with each other very quickly, mostly on levels we were not fully aware of. Already having feelings for each other from a past we could not remember, the date continued into the night and into the following day turning night when we left her apartment going part of the way back to my brothers apartment, where we parted, she went to meet some of her friends at another cafe while I walked home.

Saturday 13th of March 2004

On Saturday while I was at Eirin’s place I had received a call and a text message about a casting from Everybody Casting agency. I contacted them and they told me that Flyspecialisten had picked me and 3-4 others out from their group of models as potentials for a commercial. The booking person from the agency e-mailed me the manuscript the day before my film test recording so that I would have time to memorize it.

Sunday 14th of March 2004

On Sunday at 3pm I went in and put on a nice suit (the same suit I have used in a few of the movies I have been while in Los Angeles) and I was ready to go. It took a few takes before we together noticed it finally snapped in place, but when it snapped in place it was really cool to notice the difference from when we started filming and when we were finished. It felt very right, and the following day Monday the guy from Everybody Casting was going to put together the various scenes I did from the manuscript into a nice whole piece for the people at Flyspecialisten (a major travel agency here in Oslo). 

I am back in the wait and see mode. A mode which is based on trust that Life will go as it means to go. I do not know if I will get into the Robinson show or get the Flyspecialisten job yet, but I do have certain feelings inside of what will happen. But I will not delve on these feelings as I know that whatever is meant to happen will happen.

I do know that I felt a power in me while being interviewed that I can not remember noticing before. I took back my lion power. I dreamed that I tried to give away my power weeks ago but no one wanted it. These days I visualize myself riding a lion while a snake sits around my brow (panne). I feel it for me represents outward and inward strength. Dreams can use animals as powerful metaphors to represent certain characteristics of what one is going through at a specific time in life. While I was living close to the ocean on Nesodden I had dreams of snakes and the lion, and other powerful dreams of huge explosions and shifts. It was a time for me to get pieces of myself into place to get ready for the next phase of my life.