21st of January 2004
Mom arrived from Minneapolis on Wednesday 21st of January. A day after my photo shoot for TeleNor.
She gave me a Chistmas present from my new born nephew. A present my brother and his wife and sent over to the US which had not arrived before I had left, so mom brought it over and gave it to me. I opened the present and with a puzzled look, a feeling that the book “The Profet” by Gibran was not meant for me.
22nd of January 2004
I visited Hanne at Roxy Models which she runs out of her home. We had a pleasant talk about life and as I opened my backpack to hand her som pictures I also pulled out “The Profet” and handed that to her as well. Hanne also took two polaroid pictures of me for her archive as well.
The next day Hanne called and told me that hat a photographer friend had dropped by and looked through her model archive and picked out a few for a model assignment. The first guy on the list was not able to make it, so Hanne called me as I was second on his list and asked if I was able to work Tuesday the 27th of January sometime after 12 noon. I am free as I have a lot of time these days. The assignment is for the merger of two banks DNB and Sparebanken/Gjensidige Nor. I was to become an international bank manager and with my short hair these days that could work out fine.
27th of January
The International Bank Manager.
I went to the old airport in Oslo, Fornebu for a photo shoot. Fornebu was shut down a few years ago and it is the first time I have seen the changes. A female model and myself were placed into different environments at the now new IT center at Fornebu. First in front of a computer looking like we were busy working. Second in a more relaxed area with a couch where she sat and I stood and leaned against the wall with a laptop in my hands. Third area she sat out on a rock in a little indoors pond while I stood on the side and laughed rolling my head back. I think the photographer was able to get some good pictures of the first and third areas. What will come out of the pictures I do not know yet. I should ask Hanne if I somehow can get a hold of a few copies from the photographer. It was great working with the female model and I had a feeling that the makeup girl and the female photographer assistent were a bit jealous of the playfulness, chemistry and the physical contact/closeness us two models had in front of the camera. Which I did not mind at all…
I have still not been able to get a hold of that picture, and I do not know if any of the pictures were used.
The third assignment.
Hanne sent me a message on my cell phone as I was heading home from Fornebu telling me that she had another assignment for me the day after at 2pm. I called her up and she told me that the assignment was for V6, which is lotto for horses…
28th of January 2004
We were a group of five and were supposed to be close friends, as a new V6 lotto system will come into affect so friends can gamble together. It does not sound as bad as I am explaining it, as here in Norway we fill out simple gambling forms for soccer, horse races or lotto. It is a popular way to gamble a little bit of money, and it creates some excitement on the weekend while watching tv. The group pictures turned out great and we all had a great time working together. I have e-mailed the Ad agency guy and hopefully he will send some pictures whenever he is able to. The V6 campaign will run as posters in kiosks here in Norway all of March, so when I begin seeing them pop up I’ll go out and take a picture of the sign inside the kiosk.

Hanne who runs Roxy Model agency has been wonderful with providing me with modeling jobs. Three jobs in about 2-3 weeks is amazing! Tusen takk Hanne!
Going to the movies.
It was another night out at the Blå cafe. It is fairly close to my brother’s apartment. As I arrived I stood in line outside waiting for the doors to open I happen to talk with a friendly girl who has done some acting.
Later that night there were shown clips from two Norwegian movies that will be released in a few months, “Alt for Egil” and “Monstertorsdag“. Through the evening someone told me that this was the second time movie events were held at this cafe. (This was my second event.) At the end of the night I found the girl who I had talked with in line and we talked some more for a while and she gave me some contact numbers to people that she knew in the film/tv industry here in Norway. The film/tv industry is very small in Norway and can not at all compare to my experiences from Los Angeles. It will be interesting to see how similar and different working on a movie set in Norway will be to working on a set in Los Angeles.